someone answered this a while back, i just want to know if its correct

What happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee?
a. American soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux
b. General Custer's cavalry was completetly wiped out
c. the Nez Perce fought for pocession of their homeland
d. The last buffalo of the Great Plains was completely wiped out


this one i think is C:
The American Federatin of Labor organized
a. farmers, factory workers, and white-collar workers
b. railway and construction workers
c. only skilled workers
d. women and children

Yes. Both are right.

But it wasn't necessary to post this again. We tutors usually read all posts and their answers -- and make any corrections when necessary.


yes, mainly in the crafts at first

ok. thanks for letting me know that.

i just thought because it wasn't a tutor who answered it , i wasn't sure..
thanks again

For the question about the Massacre at Wounded Knee, the answer is indeed A. American soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux. This is a historical event that occurred on December 29, 1890, during the American Indian Wars.

To determine the answer to the second question about the American Federation of Labor, we need to understand the organization and its goals. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was a federation of labor unions formed in 1886. Its main objective was to represent the interests of workers and improve their working conditions.

Considering this, the answer C. only skilled workers seems likely to be correct. The AFL primarily focused on organizing and representing skilled workers in various industries rather than all workers. However, to confirm the exact answer, it may be helpful to conduct further research or refer to reliable sources about the history and objectives of the AFL.