I'm typing the final draft of my essay. I finished but I'm having major difficulty figuring out of how to cite my quote properly on my work cited page. I have been to alot of websites that shows examples but I'm so confused. Can you please help me. That's the website and the quote is by Martha Gellhorn. I don't know how you can help because I cant copy the exact website for you.

You've probably been instructed which form your teacher wants. Here are the two main standards for citing websites.



It was MLA. What happens if there is no Date published/updated. or Organization/publisher.

Gellhorn, Martha "Wisdom Quotes", 1995-2009, 15 February 2009, then the website

does that look correct. The 1995-2009 is the copyright date>

Of course, I'd be glad to help you with your citation! While you mentioned that you can't provide the exact website, I will guide you on how to create a citation for a quote by Martha Gellhorn, using the general guidelines for citing a website source.

To properly format a citation for a quote from a website, you typically need to include the following information in your works cited entry:

1. Author's Name: Start with the last name, followed by a comma, followed by the first name and any additional initials.
2. Title of the Web Page: If there is a specific title for the webpage where you found the quote, include it in quotation marks.
3. Title of the Website: Provide the name of the overall website where the webpage resides. This should be italicized or underlined.
4. Publisher/Sponsor: Include the name of the publisher or sponsor of the website. This information is usually found at the bottom of the webpage.
5. Date of Publication: If available, provide the date the webpage was published or last updated.
6. URL: Lastly, include the complete URL (web address) of the webpage. This should be clickable, so make sure to format it as a hyperlink in your document if possible.

Based on these guidelines, you can construct a citation for Martha Gellhorn's quote. Here's an example format to use:

Gellhorn, Martha. "Title of the Quote." Title of the Webpage. Website Title, Publisher/Sponsor, Date of Publication, URL.

Please replace the placeholder information with the actual details from the website you used. If you are unsure of any information, use the closest available option. Remember to alphabetize your works cited entries by the author's last name or the website title if no author is provided.

Once you've constructed your citation, ensure that you follow the specific citation style (such as MLA or APA) required by your instructor or institution. These styles have slight variations in formatting, so it's essential to adhere to their guidelines.

If you encounter any issues or need more specific instructions, please provide any additional details you can, and I'll be happy to assist you further!