The basis of a good child-guidance system is the caregiver's

A. arrangement of space in the facility.
B. knowledge of child development
C. choice of equipment
D. schedule of activities.

I chose B.

I agree. The most important part of child-care should be to know about child development.

thank you

Good job! Choice B is the correct answer.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the concept of a child-guidance system and what it entails. A child-guidance system refers to the methods, strategies, and practices that caregivers use to guide and support children's development and behavior.

Out of the provided options, choice B, "knowledge of child development," is the most essential element of a good child-guidance system. Caregivers' understanding of child development helps them establish appropriate expectations, create a nurturing and stimulating environment, and respond effectively to children's needs and behaviors.

Options A, C, and D are all important factors in creating an optimal child-care environment, but they are not the basis or foundation of a good child-guidance system.

A. Arrangement of space in the facility: While the physical space is essential for promoting a safe and engaging environment, it alone does not constitute the basis of a child-guidance system.

C. Choice of equipment: Appropriately selected and age-appropriate equipment is important for supporting children's physical, cognitive, and social development. However, equipment alone cannot be considered the basis of a child-guidance system.

D. Schedule of activities: Having a well-planned and structured schedule is necessary for providing routine and predictability, which is essential for children's emotional well-being. However, the schedule alone is not the basis of a child-guidance system.

In summary, a caregiver's knowledge of child development is crucial as it forms the foundation of a good child-guidance system. Understanding how children grow, learn, and behave allows caregivers to create supportive environments and implement effective strategies to promote children's optimal development.