what is the vertical and horizontal difference between the two eqautions on a graph?

please help me on this. These two eqautions when graphed are parralell to each other. But im not sure how to calculate the difference in vertical and horizontal. please help.

o shoot!! here are the eqautions............y=2x+3


This is about the fourth post of this question. It has been answered elsewhere.

To determine the vertical and horizontal difference between two parallel equations graphically, you need to identify specific points on the graph.

Step 1: Write down the equations you want to compare. Let's call them Equation 1 and Equation 2.

Step 2: Graph both equations on the same coordinate plane.

Step 3: Identify any point on Equation 1 and find the corresponding point on Equation 2. This point will have the same x-coordinate value since the equations are parallel.

Step 4: Measure the vertical distance (y-coordinate difference) between the two points. This will give you the vertical difference between the equations.

Step 5: Measure the horizontal distance (x-coordinate difference) between the two points. This will give you the horizontal difference between the equations.

Note: If the equations are in the form y = mx + b (slope-intercept form), the vertical difference between the equations will always be the same. However, if the equations are in a different form, such as Ax + By = C (standard form), the vertical difference can vary.

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the vertical and horizontal differences between the two parallel equations on the graph.