help needed:$

In 1890 the superintendent of the census announced the
a. end of the frontier
b. creation of tenant farms in the West
c. opening of the West to settlers
d. opening of Yellostone National Park

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the context: In 1890, something significant happened related to the census. The options provided are related to the event, so we need to identify the correct one.

2. Research the options:
a. End of the frontier: This refers to the end of the Western frontier in the United States, where land settlers moved to establish new settlements. Research if the end of the frontier coincided with the 1890 census.

b. Creation of tenant farms in the West: Research if there was a significant establishment or growth of tenant farms in the West around 1890.

c. Opening of the West to settlers: Research if the government opened up new areas for settlers around 1890.

d. Opening of Yellowstone National Park: Research if Yellowstone National Park was established or opened around 1890.

3. Analyze the information: Use the collected information to determine which option aligns with the event announced by the superintendent of the census.

Based on the research:

a. The end of the frontier: The end of the Western frontier in the United States occurred earlier in the late 1800s. It was marked by the closing of the frontier line, which is usually associated with the 1890 census. However, this option may not necessarily be related to the announcement made by the superintendent of the census.

b. Creation of tenant farms in the West: There is no direct evidence linking the creation of tenant farms in the West to the 1890 census.

c. Opening of the West to settlers: This option suggests that new areas in the West were made available for settlement, potentially attracting new settlers. Research if the opening of the West to settlers coincided with the 1890 census.

d. Opening of Yellowstone National Park: While the opening of Yellowstone National Park is a significant event in American history, it may not be directly related to the announcement made by the superintendent of the census.

Review the research findings and select the option that aligns with the most compelling evidence.

is it B?

I'm not going to give you the answer. Either study your book more carefully or read the site that I posted for you.