Translate each problem into a system of equations. DO NOT attempt to solve. JUST write the equation(s).

Mountainside Fleece sold 40 neckwarmers. Solid color neckwarmers sold for $9.90 each and print ones sold for $12.75 each. In all, $421.65 was taken in for the neckwarmers. How many of each type were sold?

I do not need to solve the equation. I just do not know how to take the provided information and make equations. My teacher told me that I would probably have to make two equations with two variables (x and y). Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks so much!

Equation #1: x + y = 40

Equation #2: 9.90x + 12.75y = 421.65

Am I correct?

Looks like you have that part figured out, too! Keep up the good work


I always insisted that my students define the variables used.
Let the number of Solid color neckwarmers be x
let the number of print neckwarmers by y

- then form your equations

Thank you for helping me! :-)

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations with two unknowns, x and y, representing the number of solid color and print neckwarmers sold, respectively.

Let's break down the given information:

1. Mountainside Fleece sold a total of 40 neckwarmers.
This means that the sum of the number of solid color neckwarmers (x) and print neckwarmers (y) is equal to 40:
x + y = 40

2. Solid color neckwarmers were sold for $9.90 each, and print neckwarmers were sold for $12.75 each.
This tells us that the total revenue from solid color neckwarmers (9.90x) added to the total revenue from print neckwarmers (12.75y) is equal to $421.65:
9.90x + 12.75y = 421.65

So, the system of equations representing this problem is:
x + y = 40
9.90x + 12.75y = 421.65

Remember, these equations represent the given information, and you do not need to solve them at this point.