What does podar mean is spanish?

Thank you very much. (¡Gracias!)

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The word "podar" means "to prune; to trim." I use this word often with the gardner = Please trim/prune the roses.


I don't think that's it. Our teacher wouldn't teach us that verb when the vocab. nouns have to do with food.

Sorry, but I honestly think that is wrong. Do you have any other possible ideas. Anything helps . . . . I just think you're wrong.

Wait never mind. Sorry. I was looking for poder. Mixed up the endings. Which I now know means to be able to or can. Sorry again. You were right! Sorry.

necesito saber si 2/4 es mayor, menor o igual que 1/2 y porque, tambien hacer un dibujo explicando la respuestas.

To find out the meaning of the word "podar" in Spanish, you can use an online Spanish-English dictionary or translation tool. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Go to a reliable online Spanish-English dictionary or translation website. Some popular options include WordReference, Google Translate, and SpanishDict.
3. In the search bar of the website, type "podar" and make sure the language settings are set to Spanish-English translation.
4. Press enter or click on the "Search" button to get the results.
5. The website will display the translation and meaning of "podar" in English. In this case, "podar" means "to prune" in English.

So, the Spanish word "podar" translates to "to prune" in English.