need help with these

Most pioneers who settled west of the Appalachians were
a. families looking for good land
b. miners looking for gold and silver
c. missionaries seeking converts
d. bankers from New York and Boston

What message did the Protestant revivalists preach in the early 1800s?
a. God places individuals in predetermined and rigid social ranks
b. The power of individuals is equal to the power of God
c. People are capable of shaping their own destinies
d. Society should encourage selfishness and sectional hatred

thanks for any help:)


Let us know what YOU THINK.

For the first question:

To determine the answer, we need to understand the motivations of the pioneers who settled west of the Appalachians.

a. families looking for good land: This is a possible answer as many pioneers ventured westward in search of fertile land to settle and farm.

b. miners looking for gold and silver: This is less likely as the discovery of gold and silver was more prevalent in the western areas like California during the Gold Rush.

c. missionaries seeking converts: While missionaries did play a role in American westward expansion, it was not the primary motivation for settlers.

d. bankers from New York and Boston: This option seems unlikely as it suggests that bankers were among the main pioneers settling in the western territories.

Therefore, the most likely answer to the first question is a. families looking for good land.

For the second question:

To determine the answer, we need to understand the teachings of the Protestant revivalists in the early 1800s.

a. God places individuals in predetermined and rigid social ranks: This contradicts the teachings of the Protestant revivalists who emphasized the idea of personal salvation and a personal relationship with God.

b. The power of individuals is equal to the power of God: This option also seems unlikely as it does not align with the teachings of Protestant revivalists who viewed God as the ultimate power.

c. People are capable of shaping their own destinies: This is a more plausible answer as it aligns with the Protestant belief in individual responsibility and the idea that people have the ability to make choices that impact their own lives.

d. Society should encourage selfishness and sectional hatred: This option contradicts the teachings of the Protestant revivalists who emphasized virtues such as love, compassion, and unity.

Therefore, the most likely answer to the second question is c. People are capable of shaping their own destinies.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.