Carol, when you type in all-caps, two things happen:

**it's harder to read, and
**it's the online equivalent to SHOUTING.

Your posts have been removed. Please re-post your questions -- in regular mode, not with the Caps Lock feature turned on. Thanks.


It seems that Carol had posted her questions using all capital letters, which can make the text harder to read and is considered shouting online. The person informing her about this issue mentioned that her posts have been removed and requested her to repost her questions in regular mode, without the Caps Lock feature turned on.

When communicating online, it's generally recommended to use mixed case (lowercase and uppercase) as it is easier to read and is considered more polite. Posting in all capital letters is often seen as shouting or expressing anger.

To ensure your online communications are clear and respectful, remember to use proper capitalization and punctuation.