please check

The Spanish established outposts in the Southeast to
a. trade with Native Americans
b. encourage Spanish immigration
c. search for previous metals
d. protect its trade routes

not sure..can i get some help

A typical slaveowner might have described his slaves as
a. friends
b. enemies
c. rebels
d. property


The second one is correct.

For the first one, are you sure you mean southeast??

The second answer is right.

Check this site for your first answer.

Sure! Let's break down each question and find the answer together.

1. The Spanish established outposts in the Southeast to:
a. trade with Native Americans
b. encourage Spanish immigration
c. search for precious metals
d. protect its trade routes

To determine the answer, we need to think about the reasons why the Spanish would establish outposts in the Southeast. One way to find the answer is to consider the historical context. During the time of Spanish colonization, one of the primary motivations for exploration and colonization was the search for wealth, particularly precious metals like gold and silver. Another reason was to establish trade routes and expand trade networks. Additionally, the Spanish were interested in converting Native Americans to Christianity.

Considering these factors, the correct answer is c. search for precious metals.

2. A typical slaveowner might have described his slaves as:
a. friends
b. enemies
c. rebels
d. property

To determine the answer to this question, let's consider the historical context of slavery. Slavery was an institution where people were treated as property and owned by others. Slaves were considered the property of their owners, who had complete control and authority over them. While some slaveowners may have had personal relationships with their slaves, the underlying reality was that they viewed slaves as property and not as equals or friends.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. property.