how do you put these in y=mx+b form



Are you supposed to use the elimination or substution method?

yes to change it to y=mx+b form

Yep, I would choose substition it is so much easier let me do a quickk browse of my book to refresh and ill help.

okay thanks

To put an equation in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept, follow these steps:

1. Start with the given equation.

2. Isolate the term with y on one side of the equation by subtracting or adding the other terms on both sides.

Let's apply this method to the given equations:

1. For the equation 3x + 5y = 8:

To isolate the term with y, subtract 3x from both sides:

5y = -3x + 8

Now, divide all terms by 5 to solve for y:

y = (-3/5)x + 8/5

Hence, the equation is in y = mx + b form, where m = -3/5 and b = 8/5.

2. For the equation 16 - 5x = 2y:

To isolate the term with y, divide both sides by 2:

(16 - 5x) / 2 = y

Simplify the expression:

8 - (5/2)x = y


y = -(5/2)x + 8

Now, the equation is in y = mx + b form, where m = -(5/2) and b = 8.

Therefore, the equations 3x + 5y = 8 and 16 - 5x = 2y can be written in y = mx + b form as y = (-3/5)x + 8/5 and y = -(5/2)x + 8, respectively.