Solutions that have large amounts of solute are___

solutions that have small amounts of solute are ___



Solutions that have large amounts of solute are called concentrated solutions.

To determine whether a solution is concentrated or not, it is important to know the concentration of the solute in the solution. The concentration of a solution is typically expressed as the amount of solute dissolved in a specific amount of solvent or solution.

To determine the concentration of a solution, you can use various methods such as:

1. Mass percent (% mass): This is calculated by dividing the mass of the solute by the total mass of the solution and multiplying by 100. A solution with a high mass percent of solute is considered concentrated.

2. Molarity (M): This is calculated by dividing the number of moles of solute by the volume of the solution in liters. A higher molarity indicates a more concentrated solution.

3. Molality (m): This is calculated by dividing the number of moles of solute by the mass of the solvent in kilograms. Molality is typically used for solutions involving solids or liquids. A higher molality indicates a more concentrated solution.

On the other hand, solutions that have small amounts of solute are called diluted solutions. A diluted solution has a lower concentration of solute compared to the amount of solvent or solution.

By understanding the concentration of solute in a solution using different concentration units, one can determine whether a solution is concentrated or diluted.