Was Sun Yat Sen's party (KMT) disorganized or supportive?

It doesn't sound disorganized to me!

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To understand whether Sun Yat Sen's party, the Kuomintang (KMT), was disorganized or supportive, you can examine historical records, primary sources, and scholarly analysis. Here are a few steps you can take to get a comprehensive answer:

1. Research primary sources: Look for writings, speeches, and interviews by Sun Yat Sen and other KMT members during the time when Sun Yat Sen was leading the party. Primary sources can provide valuable insights into the party's internal dynamics and how it operated.

2. Study historical accounts: Read books, articles, and research papers written by historians who have extensively studied the KMT and Sun Yat Sen's leadership. Look for authors who provide balanced and well-supported perspectives.

3. Analyze political developments: Explore the political climate during Sun Yat Sen's time, particularly in China's context. Assess the KMT's ability to organize and mobilize support among various factions and regions within China.

4. Evaluate party reforms: Examine the changes and reforms implemented by Sun Yat Sen to gauge the party's level of organization and support. Consider factors such as centralization of power, structure of the party apparatus, and effectiveness in carrying out its goals.

5. Consider contrasting opinions: Keep in mind that different perspectives exist regarding the KMT's organizational capacity and level of support. Evaluate different viewpoints and compare their arguments, evidence, and credibility.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can gain a better understanding of whether Sun Yat Sen's party, the KMT, was considered disorganized or supportive during his leadership.