It wants the Abiotic element description of a certain saltwater fish. I don't get it. Whats an Abiotic element description? And then what is Biotic?

An abiotic element description refers to the non-living factors or components of an ecosystem that can influence the survival and behavior of organisms within it. This can include various physical and chemical factors such as temperature, water salinity, pH level, light intensity, and nutrient availability. When discussing a saltwater fish, the abiotic element description might focus on aspects such as the water temperature range it can tolerate, the salinity levels it prefers, or the pH range in which it thrives.

On the other hand, biotic factors refer to the living components of an ecosystem, including all organisms that interact with each other. In the case of a saltwater fish, the biotic element description would involve discussing the other living organisms it interacts with, such as its prey, predators, and potential symbiotic relationships with other species.

Understanding both abiotic and biotic factors is important because they collectively shape the ecology and behavior of organisms within an ecosystem. By studying these elements, researchers and scientists can gain insights into the specific environmental requirements and interactions of different organisms, including saltwater fish.