my homework is to write a poem in which i make something in nature speak and describe its growing process. i can either write a poem or a prose. I can choose any tone i like.. i have chosen to write on a tree's growing process..

can someone explain to me what prose is and what would be easier for me to do, poetry or prose? thanks:)

Prose is regular fiction or non-fiction writing style. Were it I responding to this assignment, I would write a poem or story in the first person, as if I were the tree. How would I feel, what would I see, hear from the first day I peeked out from under the ground until the day I died.

How did the sun feel on my branches, how did the rain feel, what does it feel like to grow leaves, to lose them? Do I like birds, what kinds? Do I have fruit, flowers; what kinds; what happens to them? This sounds like fun!!!

this is what i have. please correct me if somethign is wrong:

I remember the days when I was just a little plant. Now I'm big but not as strong as before. I remember the days when the kids used to climb on me and make secret hideouts. Now I'm too tall and covered with moss. I remember the days when I was so full of green that people would take shade under me and even plan picnics. Now there isn't a single leaf on me from top to bottom. I'm growing weaker by the hour and they'll probably chop me off soon enough. There is no use of me now but I remember the days when I was just a little plant.

y91... You say you remember the days when you were just a little plant... what were they like? How did you feel? You need to "enlarge, decorate", make me see what you saw felt. This is a great start.

Correction... I am no longer of use...but I remeber the days.....

i know what you mean , but my poem has a limit of one paragraph..but i will try to add more details.

thanks for correcting me

Prose and poetry are two different forms of writing. Here's an explanation to help you understand:

1. Prose: Prose is a form of writing that follows regular sentence structures and paragraphs, similar to how we speak in everyday conversations. It is used in novels, short stories, essays, and non-fiction writing. Prose aims to convey information or tell a story in a straightforward manner, without adhering to any specific rhythm or structure.

Example of prose:
"The mighty oak tree stood tall, its branches reaching for the sky. As the seasons changed, it shed its autumn leaves, embracing the cold winter winds. And when spring arrived, tiny buds appeared, eager to bloom under the warm sun, transforming the tree into a magnificent spectacle of vibrant greenery."

2. Poetry: Poetry is a highly expressive form of writing that often focuses on the aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language. It uses techniques like rhyme, meter, and figurative language, such as metaphors and symbols, to evoke emotions and create vivid imagery. Poetry allows for more creativity and experimentation with language.

Example of poetry:
In this form, you could use metaphors, personification, and vivid descriptions to bring the tree to life through its own voice. For example:
"I stand rooted in ancient soil,
With arms that sway and leaves aflame,
Through winter's slumber and springtime's toil,
I grow and flourish, never the same."

Now, whether it would be easier for you to write poetry or prose depends on your personal writing style and comfort with each form. If you enjoy playing with words, creating rhythmic patterns, and exploring metaphors, poetry might be a good fit. On the other hand, if you prefer straightforward storytelling and conveying information in a more direct manner, prose might be easier for you. Ultimately, choose the style that allows you to express your ideas and emotions most effectively.