or the compound:

carbon in the middle with 3 bonds
-double bond to oxygen
-bond to Mn(CO)5
-bond to CH3 group

is the oxidation state of the metal +1?
d count 6?
total electron count 20?
coordination number 7?

To determine the oxidation state of the metal in the compound, you need to consider the oxidation states of the other atoms involved.

Let's start by determining the oxidation state of carbon. Carbon typically has an oxidation state of -4 when it forms four bonds. In this case, carbon is forming three bonds, so its oxidation state would be -3.

Next, let's look at the oxygen atom. Oxygen typically has an oxidation state of -2 when it is bonded to other elements. Since there is a double bond between carbon and oxygen, the oxygen atom would have an oxidation state of -1.

Now, let's consider the Mn(CO)5 group. Each carbon monoxide (CO) ligand has a neutral charge because carbon typically has an oxidation state of -2 and oxygen has an oxidation state of -2. Since there are five CO ligands, the total charge is (-2) + (-2) + (-2) + (-2) + (-2) = -10.

Finally, let's calculate the oxidation state of manganese (Mn). To do this, we can set up an equation based on the overall charge of the compound:

(-3) + (-1) + oxidation state of Mn + (-10) + (-1) = 0

Simplifying the equation, we have:

oxidation state of Mn - 15 = 0

Solving for the oxidation state, we find that the Mn atom has an oxidation state of +15 (which means Mn is in the +1 oxidation state).

Now, let's address the remaining questions:

- d count 6: The d count refers to the number of valence electrons in the d orbitals of the central metal atom. In this case, since the oxidation state of Mn is +1, we can determine the number of valence electrons as 1.

- Total electron count 20: To determine the total electron count, we add up the valence electrons from each atom in the compound. In this case, carbon contributes 3, oxygen contributes 1, the Mn(CO)5 group contributes 10 (5 CO ligands with 2 electrons each), and the CH3 group contributes 6 (3 hydrogen atoms with 2 electrons each). Adding these together, we get a total of 20 electrons.

- Coordination number 7: The coordination number represents the number of bonds formed between the central metal atom and its ligands. In this case, there are 3 bonds to carbon, 1 double bond to oxygen, and 1 bond to Mn(CO)5, totaling to 5 bonds. Therefore, the coordination number would be 5, not 7.