Romantic sensibility considered nature lonely, eerie, thrilling and even terrifying.

true or false

I believe it is true

I believe you are right.

To answer this question, we first need to understand what "romantic sensibility" refers to. Romantic sensibility is a concept associated with Romanticism, an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the late 18th century. Romanticism emphasized emotions, individual experience, and the sublime.

In the context of romantic sensibility, it is true that nature was often perceived as lonely, eerie, thrilling, and even terrifying. Romantic writers and artists often portrayed nature as a powerful force that evoked strong emotions. They saw nature as a place where individuals could experience solitude, awe, and a connection to something greater than themselves.

To confirm the answer, one could consult literary works and writings from the Romantic period, such as poetry by William Wordsworth or paintings by Caspar David Friedrich. These artistic creations often depict nature in a way that aligns with the description provided in the question.