Okay, I need to write 2 editorials. the year is 1599, but i think any editorial during the "renaissance" will do.

So, anyone have any ideas for 2 editorials i can write about?\

Thank you ver much.

Try complaining about the style of dress or the conditions of the poor in your editorial. Or, a person in your textbook from the Renaissance times that seemed snobby, bossy, or rude! I hope I helped!

Research some of these topics.


You might also write about the noisy kids who attend Shakespeare's plays and stand near the stage.

Certainly! As you mentioned that the year is 1599 and you're looking for ideas for editorials during the Renaissance, I can provide you with two potential topics:

1. The Impact of the Printing Press: One editorial could explore the revolutionary impact of Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press. You can discuss how it transformed the dissemination of knowledge and information, democratized access to literature, and fostered the spread of ideas throughout Europe. Additionally, you can touch upon how this technological advancement influenced society, education, and the economy during the Renaissance.

To gather information for your editorial, you can start by researching the invention of the printing press and Gutenberg's role. Look for examples of notable works that were published during the Renaissance, such as famous manuscripts, religious texts like the Bible, or philosophical treatises. You can also examine the impact of the printing press on literacy rates and the rise of the vernacular languages.

2. The Renaissance and Humanism: Another editorial idea could focus on the essence of Humanism during the Renaissance. Humanism emphasized the value and potential of human beings, promoting education, critical thinking, and the study of ancient works of literature, philosophy, and art. In your editorial, you can discuss how Humanism influenced various aspects of Renaissance society, including art, literature, education, and religious thinking.

To gather research material for this topic, you can explore the works of prominent humanist scholars, such as Petrarch, Erasmus, and Thomas More. Consider examining their beliefs, theories, and influential works, such as "The Praise of Folly" by Erasmus or "Utopia" by Thomas More. Additionally, you can also explore how Humanism influenced the rise of individualism, the development of Renaissance art techniques, and the transformation of religious practices.

Remember to support your arguments with evidence from reputable sources, such as scholarly articles, books, or academic journals. This will add credibility and depth to your editorials. Good luck with your writing!