i need three traits of Spitz from call of the wild by jack london.

It looks like Spitz is a cowardly bully.


To find three traits of Spitz from "Call of the Wild" by Jack London, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: The most effective way to identify Spitz's traits is to read the book thoroughly. Pay attention to the author's descriptions and actions involving Spitz.

2. Character analysis: As you read, analyze Spitz's character by looking for consistent behavior patterns, thoughts, and interactions with other characters.

3. Look for key moments: Identify significant moments in the story where Spitz's traits are evident or explicitly mentioned. This could include moments of conflict, leadership, or his relationship with other dogs and humans.

4. Cross-reference: If you're struggling to recall specific traits, you can consult literary analysis, summaries, or character studies of "Call of the Wild." These resources often break down the traits of major characters, including Spitz.

Based on my knowledge of "Call of the Wild," I can provide you with three potential traits of Spitz:

1. Aggressive: Spitz is depicted as a dominant and aggressive sled dog. He frequently engages in fights with other dogs to establish his superiority.

2. Cunning: Spitz demonstrates intelligence and strategic thinking. He uses his wit to outmaneuver other dogs and gain advantages in the harsh environment they face.

3. Competitive: Spitz has a strong desire to be the leader of the dog sled team. He is highly competitive and consistently challenges the authority of the other dogs, including the protagonist, Buck.

Remember, it's always best to read the book yourself to develop a comprehensive understanding of the characters and their traits.