What contribution did Stephen Austin make to Texas?

He really rankiled my ansestors here in Texas, they moved out of his blankedy-blank colony, moved North into the Spanish land grant near Onion Creek, and I live there today. Austin had his own agenda, as did the independent sort he gathered together. My family split with him in 1836, over his preferential treatment on land grants to those he favored, his loyalty to Mexico, and slavery. You can read about it here:

I still live on Onion Creek in Central Texas.
As a side note, Austin was given almost total power over the colonists, almost that of a king. He could not impose the death penalty, however, without the approval of the Spanish/Mexican governorship in San Antonio, but all other power was his.

-he blazed the Sante Fe Trail

-he led the first organized group of American settlers into Texas

-he led the Texans in their fight for independenct from Mexico


-he fought and died at the Battle of the Alamo

I like Bobpursley's answer -- although it isn't one of your choices. Check this site.


i think the answer is B

He did not fight at the Alamo, one of my ancestors did (Bowie). Austin wasn't there, he was ...traveling outside of Texas...He was in New Orleans when Houston defeated Santa Anna. He certainly did not led Texans in their fight for independence, and he in his coattails would have never blazed the Santa Fe Trail (who did that? (Hint: He moved to Texas in 1836, and joined a group of volunteers called the Red River Blues).

So all that is left is the third bullet.

Isn't history fun, when you actually decide to learn and live it?

oops, second bullet, as you chose. B.

my book says:

Austin, 29 years old and a member of the Missouri territorial legislature, led the first organized group of American settlers into Texas in 1822.

Yes, that is answer B.

Stephen Austin, also known as Stephen F. Austin, played a significant role in the history of Texas by leading the colonization efforts during the Mexican era. He is regarded as the "Father of Texas" for his instrumental contributions to the settlement and development of the region.

To find more specific details about Stephen Austin's contributions, one can consult various sources such as history books, online encyclopedias, or reliable websites. These sources often provide comprehensive information and insights into historical figures and their contributions. Let's dive deeper into some of Austin's key contributions:

1. First Anglo-American Settlement: Austin successfully established the first legal settlement of Anglo-American colonists in Texas in the early 1820s. This settlement, known as the "Old Three Hundred," laid the foundation for future Anglo-American presence in the region.

2. Negotiating with Mexican Authorities: Austin skillfully negotiated with Mexican authorities, particularly General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, to secure land grants and obtain government support for American immigration to Texas. His efforts helped attract settlers from the United States and contributed to the growth of the colony.

3. Promoting Self-Government: Austin advocated for self-government in Texas, aiming for greater autonomy and representation for the settlers. He played a crucial role in drafting a constitution for Texas, which outlined the rights and responsibilities of the settlers under Mexican rule.

4. Organizing the Texas Revolution: Although Austin initially opposed the idea of independence from Mexico, he eventually became a key figure in organizing the Texas Revolution against Mexican rule. He served as a commissioner to the United States to seek support for the Texan cause.

These are just a few examples of the significant contributions made by Stephen Austin to the development and history of Texas. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of his role and impact, I recommend exploring additional resources and historical accounts.