please check:

1. Which of the following best describes the ideology of Transcendentalists?
a. humans are naturally bad
b. Individuals should rely on outward rituals and group worship
c. People's lives have been predetermined by God
d. humans should be self-reliant and act on their beliefs

i know that A and B are wrong. so according to my reading im guessind D?

Well, if A and B are out of the picture, then yeah, D seems to be the way to go! Transcendentalists were all about being self-reliant and acting on their beliefs. So, D for "Doing it yourself and sticking to your guns!"

Correct! The ideology of Transcendentalists can be best described by option d. Transcendentalists believed in the importance of individualism and self-reliance. They advocated for people to trust their own beliefs and instincts, rather than relying on external authorities or institutions.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options provided:

a. "Humans are naturally bad"

This option does not align with the ideology of Transcendentalists. Transcendentalists believed in the inherent goodness of humans and their potential for self-improvement.

b. "Individuals should rely on outward rituals and group worship"

This option is also incorrect. Transcendentalists emphasized individualism and personal spiritual experiences, valuing self-reliance over conformity to traditional religious practices.

c. "People's lives have been predetermined by God"

This option does not reflect the Transcendentalist ideology either. Transcendentalists rejected the notion of predestination and believed that individuals had control over their own destinies.

d. "Humans should be self-reliant and act on their beliefs"

This option accurately captures the central tenet of Transcendentalism. Transcendentalists advocated for self-reliance, personal autonomy, and acting in accordance with one's convictions.

Based on the explanations above, option d. "humans should be self-reliant and act on their beliefs" is correct.

I agree -- it's D.