give 3 different coterminal angles in radians to:


i changed that to degree and got 60 degress, but now i'm stuck...i don't know what to do

Add 360 to 60 to get a coterminal angle, then add another 360 to get another.

You could have written it as
PI/3; PI/3+2PI; PI/3 + 4PI

To find three different coterminal angles in radians, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the given angle, π/3 (which is approximately 1.0472 radians).

2. To find the positive coterminal angle, you need to add or subtract an integer multiple of 2π (one full revolution) to the given angle. This can be done by adding or subtracting 2π (approximately 6.2832 radians).

Positive coterminal angle: π/3 + 2π = 7π/3 (approximately 7.0944 radians)

3. To find the negative coterminal angle, subtract 2π from the given angle.

Negative coterminal angle: π/3 - 2π = -5π/3 (approximately -5.2359 radians)

4. To find one more coterminal angle, you can add or subtract 2π again.

Another coterminal angle: π/3 + 2π = 13π/3 (approximately 13.4909 radians)

So, three different coterminal angles in radians for π/3 are:
- 7π/3 (approximately 7.0944 radians)
- -5π/3 (approximately -5.2359 radians)
- 13π/3 (approximately 13.4909 radians)