An individuated character is one who?

A. Has his or her own unique history and personality.
B. Is a symbol for some characteristic
C. is able to be identified with the audience
D. has a series of epiphanies

Isn't an individual someone who is different from other people? B,C, and D don't fit that description.

An individuated character is one who has his or her own unique history and personality.

To determine the answer to this question, we will analyze each option and examine its meaning in the context of an individuated character.

A. Has his or her own unique history and personality.
This option suggests that an individuated character possesses distinctive attributes, including a personal background and a unique set of traits. This is often true of well-developed characters in literature, film, or other forms of storytelling. Such characters are crafted with detailed histories, personalities, and motivations.

B. Is a symbol for some characteristic.
This option proposes that an individuated character represents or symbolizes a specific characteristic or idea. In this case, the character may not have complex personal histories or individual personalities, but rather serves as a metaphor or embodiment of a broader concept or theme.

C. Is able to be identified with the audience.
This option implies that an individuated character is relatable to the audience. The character's experiences, emotions, or struggles resonate with the audience members, allowing them to connect and empathize with the character on a personal level.

D. Has a series of epiphanies.
This option suggests that an individuated character undergoes a sequence of significant moments of realization or self-discovery throughout a story. These epiphanies can be pivotal in the character's development, leading to personal growth or transformation.

Based on these definitions, the most appropriate answer to the question is A. An individuated character is one who has his or her own unique history and personality. This option highlights the idea that such characters are distinct, fleshed-out individuals with their own backstories, traits, and motivations.