I need help with unscrambling these letters into 2 words ecnoevprmisrirtam.only hint it has to do with canada.

This may or may not help you:

a e e i i o = 6

c m m n p r r s t v = 10

e c b e v o r n u s r u r t a m

2 words


To unscramble the letters into two words related to Canada, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by examining the given hint, which suggests that the unscrambled words have some connection to Canada. This gives us a clue about what we are looking for.

2. Break down the given letters, "ecnoevprmisrirtam," into different combinations of two words. You can experiment by rearranging the letters to form possible word combinations that relate to Canada.

3. Here are a few combinations to try:

- Canada + Prime Minister
- Provincial + Territories
- RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) + Services

4. Since the given hint mentions that the unscrambled words are related to Canada, the most likely combination is "Prime Minister" and "Provincial," as they are specifically connected to Canada's political system.

Therefore, the unscrambled words are likely "Prime Minister" and "Provincial."