This gas is principally shipped and used in gaseous form for excimer lasers, light bulbs, window insulation, ion propulsion, medical applications and laboratory R & D.

Argon. Xenon also fits some of the descriptions

The gas mentioned in the question is likely xenon. Xenon is a chemical element with the symbol Xe and atomic number 54. It is a noble gas that is commonly used in various applications due to its unique properties.

To find the answer to your question, you can start by researching the uses of noble gases in different industries and applications. Once you have a list of noble gases, you can then check each one against the applications mentioned in the question. In this case, xenon is the gas that matches the given applications.

Here is a breakdown of how xenon is used in each of the mentioned applications:

1. Excimer Lasers: Xenon is commonly used as a lasing medium in excimer lasers. Excimer lasers produce short-wavelength ultraviolet light used in a variety of industrial and medical applications, including eye surgery (lasik).

2. Light Bulbs: Xenon gas is utilized in high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, such as xenon arc lamps. These lamps are commonly used in car headlights, movie projectors, and stadium lighting due to their bright and efficient illumination.

3. Window Insulation: In window insulation, xenon can be used as a filler gas between panes of glass to improve insulation efficiency. This helps to reduce heat transfer through windows, making them more energy-efficient.

4. Ion Propulsion: Xenon is used as a propellant in ion propulsion systems, commonly seen in spacecraft. The gas is ionized and accelerated using electric fields, producing a high exhaust velocity and allowing for efficient propulsion in space.

5. Medical Applications: Xenon has medical applications, particularly in anesthesia. It can be used as an anesthetic in combination with oxygen or as a contrast agent in medical imaging techniques like MRI scanning.

6. Laboratory R&D: Xenon finds use in various research and development activities in laboratories. Its unique properties, such as its reactivity with other compounds, make it valuable for studying chemical reactions and investigating physical properties under specific conditions.

By understanding the properties and applications of noble gases, you can identify xenon as the gas that fits all the mentioned uses.