
Two days ago your manager phoned and said he would like to plan a field contact in order to evaluate your promotional deals and marketing skills. He will meet you at Kroger's, your top account, at 2:00 p.m. You immediatly got antsy because you know how important these sales promotions are. Without reservation, you set out to the account prep visit. To your amazment, the kroger store manager has removed your marketing deal and narrowed your product space. You ask the manager "Whats up?" He says he had to make space for your competitor. "This month," he confesses, "Eagle snacks is offering a better deal. I had to make a decision." You plead with him to place your product back on the shelf and hang up your promo. You tell him that your boss is tough. The last time something like this happened, an account rep was fired. The store manager shrugs his shoulders and helps a cashier sack a customer's groceries. You look at your watch. It's ten 'til two. What do you do?

I really need help because i just don't understand what to do at all...thank you for your time.

You need to figure out how to save your job.

First, be honest with your boss. Explain the situation -- and be ready to offer suggestions about how to increase your store space. Since your competitor offered a better deal to Krogers, perhaps your company can beat that deal. You could also suggest that your company work on increasing your product in Krogers' competitors.


Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Jason.

In this scenario, it seems that you are facing a challenge with your marketing deal and product placement at Kroger's due to a competitor offering a better deal. As the time for your field contact with your manager is approaching, you need to make a decision on how to handle this situation. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Remain calm: It's important to stay level-headed and composed in this situation. Getting anxious or upset can make it difficult to think clearly and find a solution.

2. Assess the situation: Take a moment to understand the details of the problem. Your competitor, Eagle Snacks, is offering a better deal this month, which resulted in your product being removed and the product space being narrowed. This suggests that the store manager is prioritizing the competitor's promotion over yours.

3. Gather information: Try to gather more information about the situation. You can ask the store manager for more details about why they made this decision and if there's any possibility of reconsideration. Understanding their perspective can help you frame your argument and come up with potential solutions.

4. Communicate with the store manager: Express your concern to the store manager and explain the importance of your promotional deals. Let them know that your boss is expecting the marketing deal to be implemented, and stress the potential consequences if it is not. Be polite and assertive during this conversation, trying to find common ground and a solution that benefits both parties.

5. Suggest alternatives: If the store manager is not willing to put your product back on the shelf and hang up your promotion, try to find alternative solutions. This could include negotiating a better deal with the store or finding a different way to promote your product within the limited space available. Be open to compromise and creative problem-solving.

6. Document the conversation: Make sure to take notes on the conversation you had with the store manager. Document key points discussed, any agreements made, and any potential next steps. This will be helpful for future reference and to report back to your manager.

Remember, it's important to remain professional and not make any threats or negative comments. Respectful communication and perseverance can help in finding a resolution to this challenge.