analogy flower is to rose as tree is to what?

Rose is a specific kind of flower.

What is a specific kind of tree?

complete each analogie

The analogy "flower is to rose as tree is to what?" implies that we are looking for a specific type of tree.

There are many possible answers to this analogy, but a common answer is "oak." Just like a rose is a specific type of flower, an oak is a specific type of tree. Another possible answer could be "pine," "maple," or any other specific type of tree. It ultimately depends on the context and the intended comparison.

To find the analogy for "flower is to rose as tree is to what," we first need to understand the relationship between a flower and a rose. A rose is a specific type of flower, so the analogy is about a specific category within a larger category.

Similarly, a tree is a larger category that encompasses various types of trees. To find the appropriate analogy, we need to identify a specific type of tree that is comparable to a rose within the flower category.

One possible answer could be:

"Flower is to rose as tree is to oak."

In this analogy, "oak" is a specific type of tree, just like "rose" is a specific type of flower. The relationship between a flower and a rose is comparable to the relationship between a tree and an oak. However, it is important to note that there can be multiple valid analogies, as trees have various types like pine, maple, birch, etc.