Nine major forms of benefits/services in the U.S. social welfare system?

Choose three out of the nine major forms of benefits/services in the U.S. social welfare system for each of the three; give an example of when you believe that benefit or service would be positive and when it would be negative. Give of examples.

Material goods/commodities
Expert services
Positive discrimination
Government guarantees
Protective regulation
Power over decisions

All right, this assignment says for YOU to choose 3. We can not do that for you. Think about the examples each would have and pick the easiest ones. Then, after you DO your work, we can HELP you.


Three major forms of benefits/services in the U.S. social welfare system are material goods/commodities, cash, and expert services. Here are examples of when these benefits/services could be positive and negative:

1. Material goods/commodities:
- Positive: Providing free school supplies to low-income students can help level the playing field and ensure equal educational opportunities.
- Negative: Distributing free smartphones to individuals without any requirements or assessments can lead to misuse or dependency.

2. Cash:
- Positive: Direct cash transfers to low-income families can provide them with the flexibility to meet their specific needs, such as paying for rent or healthcare.
- Negative: Unconditional cash transfers to non-working individuals may discourage workforce participation and perpetuate dependency.

3. Expert services:
- Positive: Offering free vocational training programs can empower individuals with valuable skills, increasing their employability and income potential.
- Negative: Providing costly, specialized medical treatments to every citizen without proper criteria or cost control measures could strain the healthcare system's resources and lead to inefficiencies.

It is important to note that the positive or negative impacts of these benefits/services can depend on various factors, such as the implementation, eligibility criteria, and monitoring mechanisms in place.