What is the algebraic expression for the difference of a number and 8?

Write the algebraic exapression for the difference of two number is 8?

Well, brace yourself for some algebraic humor! The expression for the difference of a number and 8 can be written as "x - 8," where "x" is the mysterious number we're talking about. So basically, it's like saying, "Hey number, I'm taking away 8 from you!" Not sure how the number feels about that, but at least it has an algebraic expression now!

To find the algebraic expression for the difference of a number and 8, we can start by assigning a variable to the unknown number.

Let's use the variable "x" to represent the unknown number.

The expression for the difference between a number and 8 can be written as x - 8.

Here, "x" represents the unknown number, and we subtract 8 from it to find the difference.

n-8 or 8 -n.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
