Hey everybody here at Jiskha, I was just wondering how old are the following characters:

Beth Jarrett
Conrad Jarrett

I know Calvin's age is 41, but what about the others?

You should read the book. Life is simplier when you actually read the material.


To determine the ages of the other characters - Beth Jarrett, Conrad Jarrett, and Dr. Berger - we need more information. Without specific context from a book, movie, or TV show that these characters are from, it is difficult to provide exact answers. However, I can guide you on how to find the information you need for these character ages.

1. Beth Jarrett: To find Beth Jarrett's age, you can look up the source material where she is mentioned. Check if she is a character in a book, movie, or TV show, and then search for information about her age within that source. Consult character profiles, plot summaries, or interviews with the creator or actors involved. It is also possible that her age might not be explicitly stated, in which case you might have to infer based on other information given.

2. Conrad Jarrett: Similar to Beth Jarrett, you will need to consult the source material to find Conrad's age. Look for information within the book, movie, or TV show itself. Pay attention to any mentions of his age or references that could hint at his age. Additionally, you can explore interviews, character profiles, or other resources related to the source material for more clues about his age.

3. Dr. Berger: To determine Dr. Berger's age, you might need to dig deeper into the source material or conduct some research. Find out which book, movie, or TV show Dr. Berger appears in and search for any relevant information about his age. Explore the character's background story, look for dialogue that might reveal his age, or consider other context clues within the narrative. Again, interviews or profiles might provide additional insights.

Remember that character ages can sometimes be ambiguous or subject to interpretation, so it is best to rely on official sources whenever possible.