1.35 x10^24 g to pounds

and then to ounces

To convert from grams (g) to pounds (lb), you can use the following conversion factors:

1 pound (lb) = 453.59237 grams (g)

So, to convert 1.35 x 10^24 grams to pounds, you would use the following steps:

Step 1: Divide the given weight in grams by the conversion factor to get the weight in pounds:
1.35 x 10^24 g / 453.59237 g/lb = 2.977662 x 10^21 lb

Therefore, 1.35 x 10^24 grams is approximately equal to 2.977662 x 10^21 pounds.

To convert pounds to ounces, you can use the conversion factor:

1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz)

Now, to convert the weight in pounds (2.977662 x 10^21 lb) to ounces, use the following steps:

Step 1: Multiply the given weight in pounds by the conversion factor to get the weight in ounces:
2.977662 x 10^21 lb * 16 oz/lb = 4.7642592 x 10^22 oz

Therefore, the weight of 1.35 x 10^24 grams is approximately equal to 2.977662 x 10^21 pounds and 4.7642592 x 10^22 ounces.