i have a map that shows the Electoral Vote in 1792

it shows each state and has a number in front of it like: NY(12)
how do i figure out how many representatives NY had in the Senate and in the House of Representatives using this map??

What are two things the Cherokee did to fit into Georgia's society

what does that have to do with this?

How many senators does each state have? That will give you your answer.

To determine the number of representatives a state had in the Senate and the House of Representatives using the electoral vote map from 1792, you need to understand the historical context and the underlying principles of representation at that time.

In 1792, the U.S. Constitution outlined the rules for apportioning representatives in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Here's how you can determine the number of representatives for New York (NY) in each chamber:

1. Determine NY's number of electoral votes: Find the number in front of NY in the map, which in this case is 12. The Electoral College is the body that elects the President and Vice President. Each state's electoral votes are equal to the total number of its Senators and Representatives in Congress.

2. Determine NY's number of Senate seats: According to the U.S. Constitution, each state is represented by two Senators in the Senate, regardless of its population. Therefore, New York would have had two Senators, as it does today.

3. Determine NY's number of House of Representatives seats: The number of representatives in the House is based on a state's population. In 1792, the Constitution stipulated that every 30,000 people would entitle a state to one representative. To determine how many representatives New York had, you would need to know its total population at the time.

4. Divide NY's total population by the threshold: Let's assume that New York's population in 1792 was 600,000. Divide this figure by 30,000 (the threshold), resulting in 20. New York had a quotient of 20, which means it would have been entitled to at least 20 representatives.

5. Consider additional factors: After calculating the initial quotient, you should check if any other provisions affected the number of representatives in New York. For example, the Constitution originally limited the total number of representatives to 65, so if the calculated number exceeds the cap, you would use the maximum value allowed. Moreover, the Constitution requires each state to be guaranteed at least one Representative, regardless of population.

Thus, based on the given information, you can conclude that New York had two Senators and at least 20, but potentially fewer than 65, representatives in the House of Representatives in 1792. Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical scenario, and the actual numbers would depend on the specific population and any other relevant provisions of the time.