I need help with this one too, same thing. Rewrite without parerntheses, then simplify if possible.


You do it, I will stay around for awhile and check you.

-16-8p-20 +16

take -4 times 4 which equals -16
take -4 times 2p which equals 8p
take 5 times -4 which equals -20
then add 16 to the end.

simplify by adding -16, -20 and 16.
you get -8p - 20 (the -16 and +16 cancel each other out)

okay thanks.


Okay so you totally owned me, great job checking.

Go order of operations!!!

no. The last step is wrong

-16-4 is -20


sorry, WVSU

To rewrite the expression without parentheses, you need to apply the distributive property. The distributive property states that when you multiply a number by a sum inside parentheses, you need to distribute the multiplication to each term inside the parentheses.

Let's go step by step:

-4(4 + 2p + 5) + 16

First, distribute -4 to each term inside the parentheses:

-4 * 4 + -4 * 2p + -4 * 5 + 16

Simplify each multiplication:

-16 + (-8p) + (-20) + 16

Combine like terms:

-16 + 16 + (-8p) + (-20)

Simplify further:

0 - 8p - 20

Finally, combine like terms to get the simplified expression:

-8p - 20