please check these:

1. The French and Indian War led to:
a. a massive migration to Canada
b. a weakening of colonial loyalty to Britain
c. the end of Britain's involvement in colonial affairs
d. an increased colonial dependence on britain
i picked B
2. Why did many colonists protest the Stamp Act
a. The act enabled the British to censor all written materials in the colonies
b. The act threatened to disrupt trading patterns with overseas markets
c. the act increased the cost of British imports
d. the act taxed the colonists without their consent
i picked A

are they both wrong?


Read the sections called War and Outcome.

2. Rethink this one:
Read the first two paragraphs VERY CAREFULLY.

I think the first one is probably right, but I think the second one isn't.

1. The correct answer for question 1 is actually option B, a weakening of colonial loyalty to Britain.

To arrive at this answer, let's consider the events that unfolded during the French and Indian War. It was a conflict between the British and the French, with the Native American tribes allied with either side. The war took place from 1754 to 1763 and primarily occurred in North America.

During the war, the British and the colonists fought together against the French and their Native American allies, which created a sense of unity and camaraderie. However, the aftermath of the war had some negative consequences for the relationship between Britain and the American colonies.

The British government incurred a significant amount of debt during the war and sought ways to recover these expenses. One approach was to levy taxes on the colonies to help fund the war debt. These taxes, such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, were seen by many colonists as unfair and burdensome, as they were imposed without the colonists' consent and often without proper representation in the British government. This led to widespread protests and ultimately contributed to a weakening of colonial loyalty to Britain.

2. The correct answer for question 2 is option D, the act taxed the colonists without their consent.

The Stamp Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1765, imposed a tax on most printed materials in the American colonies. This included newspapers, legal documents, licenses, and even playing cards. Many colonists were deeply resentful of this act and felt that it violated their rights as British subjects.

The colonists' objection to the Stamp Act was not primarily related to censorship or disrupting trading patterns, as mentioned in options A and B. Instead, their main concern was taxation without representation. The colonists believed that they should have a say in any taxes levied upon them, either through elected representatives or local assemblies. Since they had no direct representation in the British Parliament, the idea of being taxed without consent was met with strong opposition and protests throughout the colonies.