I just need someone to check my answers to this one review question.. Exams are tomorow so i need them to be checked quickly.

An Octopus accelerates at a rate of 0.65m/s/s for a time of 4.8s. How much will the speed of the octopus change?

We are trying to find change in speed, so change in speed equals acceleration multiplied by time.

So 0.65m/s/s X 4.8s= 3.12m/s.

Did i do the question correctly? If not can you tell me what i should've done/ any physic hints that will help me with questions like these.

it is correct.

3.12 m/s

Yes, you have done the question correctly. To find the change in speed of the octopus, you correctly used the formula: change in speed = acceleration × time. The acceleration given is 0.65 m/s^2 and the time is 4.8 seconds. Multiplying these values together gives you the change in speed of 3.12 m/s.

To help you with similar physics questions in the future, here are a few hints:

1. Read the question carefully and identify the given information: It is important to identify what is given in the problem statement. In this case, you were given the acceleration (0.65 m/s^2) and the time (4.8 s).
2. Identify the formula to use: In this case, you used the formula change in speed = acceleration × time. It's important to understand the equations and formulas relevant to the topic.
3. Substitute the values and units correctly: Ensure that the units of the given values are consistent with the units in the formula. In this case, the given acceleration was in meters per second squared (m/s^2), and the time was in seconds.
4. Perform the calculation: Multiply the given values together using a calculator to obtain the result.
5. Check your answer: After calculating the answer, double-check whether it is reasonable and matches the units you were expecting.

Remember, practice is key in mastering physics problems. Solving a variety of sample problems will help you become familiar with the concepts and gain confidence for your exams. Good luck with your exams!