
you can combine like terms..

3x^2+2x + ???

You are missing a term in the first brackets, I think. Anyway, combine the terms. There is no equal sign, so you can't solve.

3x^2 +2x -3 is the answer, if you typed the question correctly.

What does "tras." stand for?

Did you leave out a term after "5*x+" and before the "]" ?

To simplify the expression [2*x^2+5*x+]+[x^2-3x-3], you need to combine like terms. The term "like terms" refers to terms that have the same variable raised to the same exponent.

Starting with the first expression: 2*x^2 + 5*x +

Next, let's combine it with the second expression: x^2 - 3x - 3

To combine the terms, add or subtract the coefficients (numbers in front of the variables) of the like terms. In this case, we have:

2*x^2 combined with x^2 gives us 3*x^2
5*x combined with -3x gives us 2*x
And the constant term +0

So, after simplifying the expression, we end up with:

3*x^2 + 2*x - 3