Hi! Please help me with major question.

I have CBA project now (what is it CBA you can find here: k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/SocialStudies/HighSchool.aspx). My constitutional issue is "Can people be a property?" which is linked with movement for the African American equality 1858-1868. And now i'm supposed to answer on this question - "how individual rights and the common good should be balanced with regards to the issue". And i'm so confused.. It's easy to answer on this question in such issues as gun control. But how i can answer on it in my issue? Thank you and sorry for my english please.

Ownership of people, as property, is another word for slavery. The Civil War and the Constitutional Amendments that followed it ended it in America. It did not serve the common good; only the lifestyle of the slave owners.

Hello! I understand that you are working on a CBA (Classroom Based Assessment) project related to the issue of whether people can be considered property, specifically focusing on the movement for African American equality between 1858 and 1868. Your task is to discuss how individual rights and the common good should be balanced with regards to this issue.

To answer this question, you can approach it by considering the historical context and the impact on society during that time. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can approach this issue:

1. Research the historical context: Familiarize yourself with the historical background of the African American equality movement between 1858 and 1868. Focus on understanding the legal and societal perspectives on the issue of whether people can be considered property.

2. Identify individual rights: Determine the individual rights that were being advocated for during this period. These rights could include the right to freedom, the right to be treated as equal under the law, and the right to own property.

3. Examine the common good: Consider the broader societal impact and benefits of recognizing or denying these individual rights. For example, recognizing African Americans' rights as individuals rather than property would have contributed to the principles of equality and justice, promoting social harmony and a more inclusive society.

4. Evaluate potential conflicts: Identify any conflicts that arise when balancing individual rights with the common good. In this case, one conflict might be the economic interests of slaveholders relying on owning African Americans as property, conflicting with the individual rights and dignity of those being enslaved.

5. Consider possible solutions: Explore potential compromises or solutions that could have been implemented to balance individual rights and the common good during this time period. For instance, the gradual abolition of slavery or the enforcement of legislation promoting equal rights could have served as possible solutions.

6. Analyze the consequences: Reflect on the short-term and long-term consequences of these decisions. How did the balance between individual rights and the common good impact society during this period? Consider both the immediate effects and the lasting legacy of these decisions.

7. Formulate your response: Based on your research, analysis, and critical thinking, form your response to the question. Discuss how individual rights were weighed against the common good in the context of the movement for African American equality between 1858 and 1868. Explain your viewpoint by referencing specific historical examples or evidence.

Remember, it is important to support your arguments with evidence, cite your sources accurately, and present a well-reasoned analysis of the topic. Good luck with your project!