The Insular Cases stated that

a.island territories do not have the full benefit of the American Constitution.

b.the Constitution does not necessarily follow the flag.

c.the Constitution does follow the flag.

d.none of the above were true.

I think it is B

I think you're right.

True or False President Taft's secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, disapproved of conservationist controls of western lands?

That's correct! The Insular Cases established the principle that the Constitution does not necessarily follow the flag. This means that when the United States acquires new territories, those territories do not automatically have the full benefits and protections of the American Constitution. In other words, the rights and provisions granted by the Constitution may not apply in the same way to these newly acquired territories. This concept was first addressed by the Supreme Court in a series of cases known as the Insular Cases, which were decided between 1901 and 1904. The Court held that the rights of individuals in these territories were determined by the specific legislation enacted by Congress for each territory. So, option B is the correct answer.