Which one is more important?

In today's world, we're having this global crisis and people are suffering. That's why economy growth is very important. Usually there's the opportunity cost of environment which will be exploited for the economy have a strong growth. But on the other side we must also remember that our world environment today is in "crisis mode" too with the global warning and all. So we should take care of that too, because what's the good of having much money if you can't breathe good air.

I need like some kind of pro and contra of each side because I'm preparing for a debate.

Thank you


These blog posts by the Houston Chronicle's science editor have been written regarding climate change and other elements. You should read through several of these and check out all the linked articles he's included. You'll get LOTS of information from academically authentic sources.

You can also ask yourself these questions:

What does it mean when politicians say we in the US should be using all possibilities to work toward energy independence?

For those who decry our dependence on use of fossil fuels, you might think about how long it took us to get to this point -- and ask if people really want to go back to horse-and-buggy days with pot-belly stoves in their houses for cooking and heating!

I've referred only to two areas about this whole topic that have been brought up by various people. There are umpteen sides to this situation. Free up your mind and start asking questions -- not only what will happen if we do such and so, but what will happen if we DON'T do such and so.

our country today has turned to coruption country dat make our nation into a 419 place but by his grace is shall be fine.

When it comes to the importance of economy growth and environmental preservation, it is essential to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of each side. Here are some arguments that can be used in a debate:

Pro-Economic Growth:
1. Job creation: A strong economy can provide more employment opportunities, leading to improved living standards and reduced poverty rates.
2. Technological advancement: Economic growth often leads to investments in research and development, promoting innovation and technological progress.
3. Increased wealth: A prosperous economy can result in higher incomes and a higher overall standard of living for individuals and society as a whole.

Contra-Economic Growth:
1. Exhaustion of natural resources: Rapid economic growth can deplete finite resources, leading to a potential scarcity in the future.
2. Income inequality: While economic growth can benefit many, it may also exacerbate income inequality, leaving certain segments of society behind.
3. Environmental degradation: Pursuing economic growth at all costs can lead to increased pollution, deforestation, and other harmful activities that negatively impact the environment.

Pro-Environmental Preservation:
1. Climate change mitigation: Protecting the environment is crucial to combatting climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the long-term well-being of the planet.
2. Biodiversity conservation: Preserving natural habitats and ecosystems is essential to maintain biodiversity, which supports the health of the planet and its species.
3. Public health: A clean environment contributes to improved public health, as it reduces pollution-related illnesses and provides access to clean air and water.

Contra-Environmental Preservation:
1. Economic costs: Strict environmental regulations may impose additional costs on businesses, potentially hindering economic growth and competitiveness.
2. Job loss in certain sectors: Transitioning away from polluting industries might result in job losses for those dependent on such industries.
3. Balancing priorities: Finding a balance between environmental preservation and economic growth can be challenging, as the decision-making process involves trade-offs and compromises.

It is important to note that these points are not exhaustive, and there may be additional arguments for both sides. When preparing for a debate, it is crucial to research and gather evidence to support your position while acknowledging the complexity of the issue.