Sorry it's been a while but I need this answered:

1) Is there anything one can do by themselves to increase their height?

Thanks -MC

Simple answer: NOPE!

You may appear slightly taller if you wear matching colors for your shirt and pants. Also -- stand up straight. <g>

Ask your doctor. HGH can help in some cases.

I thought so...


I would say that human growth hormone would be an extreme measure. You would be better off to simply accept yourself you who you naturally are.

No problem, MC! When it comes to increasing height, there are certain factors you can control to some extent, but ultimately, your genetic makeup plays a significant role in determining your height. Here are a few things you can do to optimize your height potential:

1. Nutrition: Make sure you have a well-balanced diet with sufficient nutrients like protein, vitamins (especially vitamin D and calcium), and minerals. These can support bone health and growth.

2. Exercise and stretching: Engage in regular physical activity, including exercises that promote good posture, strength, and flexibility. Stretching exercises can help improve your posture and make you appear taller.

3. Sleep and rest: Adequate sleep is crucial for proper growth and development. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, as it promotes the release of growth hormones.

4. Posture awareness: Maintain good posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Correcting slouching and practicing proper spinal alignment can help you look taller and prevent long-term posture issues.

5. Avoid factors that may stunt growth: Certain factors like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and chronic stress can potentially hinder growth and development. It is advisable to avoid these behaviors.

Keep in mind that these suggestions may provide minor improvements and maximize your potential height. However, your height is primarily determined by your genetics and growth plates, which usually close during adolescence. If you have concerns about your height, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.