what does suspension mean ?


In drama, suspension may mean "believing what is happening on stage is real". It is what the play, the director and the actors strive for.

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Suspension can have different meanings depending on the context, so I will explain its general meaning.

Suspension, in its basic definition, refers to the temporary interruption or holding of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as:

1. School or Work Suspension: This refers to the temporary removal of a student or employee from school or work due to a disciplinary action or violation of rules and policies.

2. Suspension in Physics: This refers to the temporary state of a solid, liquid, or gas when its particles are evenly dispersed in a medium. For example, when you dissolve salt in water, the salt particles become suspended in the water.

3. Suspension in Automotive: This refers to the system in a vehicle that connects the wheels to the frame or body, providing a smooth and controlled ride by absorbing shocks and vibrations.

If you need more specific information about a particular type of suspension, please let me know.