Can you find the symbol in this line from Emerson's "The Concord Hymn"? What does it represent?

Their flag to Aprils's breeze unfurled...

Okay, this makes no sense to me whatsoever. Can't seem to figure it out.

Final question on symbolism. Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much.

The first breeze of freedom... the battle at Concord..that lead to the full blown storm of the Revolution.


Certainly! In Emerson's "The Concord Hymn," the line "Their flag to April's breeze unfurled..." contains a symbol. The symbol being referred to here is the flag.

To understand what the flag represents, we need to analyze the context and the historical background of the poem. "The Concord Hymn" was written to commemorate the Battle of Concord, which took place on April 19, 1775, during the American Revolutionary War. The poem celebrates the brave American colonists who stood up against the British forces.

In the line you mentioned, the flag symbolizes the unity, courage, and patriotism of the colonists. It represents their rallying point and their devotion to the cause of freedom. By unfurling their flag to April's breeze, the colonists proudly display their determination and readiness to fight for their rights and independence. The flag also serves as a visual symbol of resistance and defiance against British rule.

In summary, the flag in this line of "The Concord Hymn" symbolizes the spirit of the American colonists and their willingness to fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War.