Solve this inequality.


|k| > 2.5

k > 2.5
k > -2.5


agree with k>2.5
However when you multiply or divide an ineqality by a negative, change the arrow direction
-k >2.5
k < -2.5 in other words to the left on number line

oh hahaha yeah, damon is right. i was thinking like, -3.5 > -2.5 and it's not.


To solve the inequality |k| > 2.5, we need to consider two cases: when k is positive and when k is negative.

Case 1: k is positive
If k is positive, then |k| = k. So we have k > 2.5. To solve this, we simply isolate k by subtracting 2.5 from both sides of the inequality:

k - 2.5 > 0

Thus, the solution for k when k is positive is k > 2.5.

Case 2: k is negative
If k is negative, then |k| = -k. So we have -k > 2.5. To solve this, we need to reverse the inequality by multiplying both sides by -1:

-k < -2.5

When we multiply by a negative number, the inequality symbol flips. Now, we isolate k by multiplying both sides by -1 and changing the direction of the inequality:

k > 2.5

So in this case, the solution for k when k is negative is k > 2.5.

Putting both cases together, the combined solution is k > 2.5 or k < -2.5.