Hi. I am doing a debate on wheter united states imperialism in the late 1800s to early 1900s was justified. I am on the side that states that imperialism was justified.

I need help coming up with points to put in my rebuttal. i already have my opening statemnt done but I don't really know what to put in the rebuttal.

What is your opening statement?

What points do you expect the opposition to make?

You should refute those points in your rebuttal.

i really don't know what to do. PLease please help me

If you post your answers to the above questions, we'll be glad to help you.

Remember the Maine ??? :)

Great! In your rebuttal, you can consider addressing some common arguments against U.S. imperialism in the late 1800s to early 1900s and provide counterpoints to support your position that imperialism was justified. Here are a few points you can consider:

1. Economic opportunities: Explain how U.S. imperialism opened up lucrative economic opportunities, such as access to new markets and resources. Highlight how this expansion boosted the American economy and helped create jobs domestically.

2. National security: Argue that imperialism was necessary to safeguard national security interests. Discuss how acquiring overseas territories provided strategic military bases, securing vital trade routes, and enhancing the defense capabilities of the United States.

3. Civilizing mission: Reference popular arguments of the time that espoused a "civilizing mission" or the notion of bringing progress, order, and development to less-developed regions. Emphasize that the U.S. believed it had a moral obligation to extend its culture, values, and institutions to these territories.

4. Prestige and global influence: Discuss how U.S. imperialism contributed to the growth of American prestige and global influence. By asserting dominance through acquiring colonies and territories, the United States emerged as a world power on par with other imperialist nations.

5. Humanitarian reasons: Highlight any efforts made by the U.S. to improve living conditions, healthcare, infrastructure, or education in the territories it acquired. Argue that these efforts were driven by a genuine desire to uplift and improve the lives of the people living in these regions.

Remember to provide evidence, statistics, and historical examples to support each of your points. Additionally, make sure to address any counterarguments raised by your opponents and provide strong rebuttals supported by facts and logical reasoning.