91.7g of HCL solution was added to the calorimeter and brought to a constant temp. Then 0.5278g of MgO was added and the Temp rose from 25.65C to 32.60C and held steady. Then 0.0185g of Mg was added and the temp again rose from 30.35C to 32.20C.

Calculate the Cp for the calorimeter?

I think im getting confused with what weight is needed for the equation ..

Is this an experiment you did? Or does the problem give the heat produced by reaction of HCl with MgO and Mg? You need to know how much heat is produced from these reactions I think.

To calculate the specific heat capacity (Cp) of the calorimeter, you need to use the formula:

q = Cp * m * ΔT

- q is the heat absorbed or released by the system
- Cp is the specific heat capacity of the calorimeter
- m is the mass of the substance undergoing a temperature change
- ΔT is the change in temperature

In this case, we need to consider two separate scenarios: when MgO was added and when Mg was added.

1. When MgO was added:
From the given information, we know that HCl solution was added to the calorimeter and brought to a constant temperature. Then, 0.5278g of MgO was added, and the temperature rose from 25.65°C to 32.60°C.

First, let's calculate the heat absorbed by the system (q) when MgO was added:
q = Cp * m * ΔT

m = mass of MgO = 0.5278g
ΔT = change in temperature = 32.60°C - 25.65°C = 6.95°C

Now, we need the value of q. Since HCl solution was added to the calorimeter and brought to a constant temperature, we can assume that q = 0 (no heat was absorbed or released in this process).

Therefore, the equation becomes:
0 = Cp * (0.5278g) * 6.95°C

Since q = 0, it means that Cp * (0.5278g) * 6.95°C = 0
Therefore, Cp = 0

2. When Mg was added:
Next, let's calculate the heat absorbed by the system (q) when Mg was added:
q = Cp * m * ΔT

m = mass of Mg = 0.0185g
ΔT = change in temperature = 32.20°C - 30.35°C = 1.85°C

Once again, since HCl solution was added to the calorimeter and brought to a constant temperature, we can assume that q = 0 (no heat was absorbed or released in this process).

Therefore, the equation becomes:
0 = Cp * (0.0185g) * 1.85°C

Since q = 0, it means that Cp * (0.0185g) * 1.85°C = 0
Therefore, Cp = 0

In conclusion, based on the given information, the specific heat capacity (Cp) of the calorimeter is 0.