If you could talk to martin L. king,what would you say

I would say "thank you" and point out how he laid the ground work for Obama's election.

What would you say?

I would sing him a line or two of "We can Overcome".<G> He would probably prefer that I not do that.

I would tell him about his nemisis, J. Edgar Hoover, being a cross-dressing homosexual. I am sure Martin would ROFL at that.

i would thank him for all the advancements in the race gap. even though there still is a space there. he helped so many over come so many difficulties.

If I could talk to Martin Luther King Jr., I would first express my deep admiration for the significant contributions he made to the civil rights movement. I would thank him for his tireless efforts to advocate for equality, justice, and peace. I would ask him about his motivations, inspiration, and experiences during those challenging times. I would also seek his advice on how we can continue to work towards a more inclusive and fair society today.

Of course, since Martin Luther King Jr. is no longer alive, we cannot have a direct conversation with him. However, we can learn a great deal about his life, work, and beliefs through the extensive resources available. We can read his speeches, books, and essays, such as his famous "I Have a Dream" speech or his book "Strength to Love." We can also watch documentaries and interviews about his life and activism. By studying his words and actions, we can gain insight into his thoughts and values. Additionally, we can engage with the existing civil rights organizations and movements that continue to fight for justice and equality, inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy.