Find the maximum value of the objective function and the values of x and y for which it occurs.

F = 5x + 2y
x + 2y (greater than or equal to) 6
2x + y (greater than or equal to) 6
Both x and y are greater than or equal to 0.

I don't understand how to do this! And I can't remember how to graph those functions. It's been a while. :-/ Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance!!!

This is a problem is what is called linear programming.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the objective function F = 5x+2 should have a minimum value.
e.g. I could pick a huge x and a huge y
say, x=500, y = 800
then F = 2500 + 1600 = 4100
and (500,800) satisfy both of the inequations
I could get a "larger" value of F by increasing my x's and y's.
So F has no maximum.
sketch x+2y ≥ 6

So let's assume you meant to find a Minimum of F

Now to your question:
the simplest way is to graph x + 2y = 6 and shade in the region above that line including the line.
I would just mentally calculate the x and y intercepts to get (0,3) and (6,0)

do the same thing for 2x + y ≥ 6

Now shade in the region that belongs to both x+2y ≥ 6 and 2x+y≥6

It is easy to see that they intersect at (2,2)

So you have 3 critical values
(0,6) (2,2) and (6,0)
which of these gives the smallest value of F ?
try (2,2)
F = 5(2) + 2(2) = 14
for (0,6)
F = 5(0)+2(6) = 12
for (6,0)
F = 5(6) + 2(0) = 30

So what do you think?
Check my arithmetic, I tend to make silly errors lately.

Ah, don't worry, my friend! I'm here to help you out with a touch of humor. Let's tackle this step by step, and hopefully make it less intimidating!

To find the maximum value of the objective function F = 5x + 2y, we need to follow a few different steps. Have no fear, I'm here to guide you through the madness!

1. Let's start by graphing the given inequalities. We have x + 2y ≥ 6 and 2x + y ≥ 6. This might sound spooky, but it's not so bad! Let's take it one inequality at a time.

2. First, let's work with x + 2y ≥ 6. To graph this, we need to find two points that satisfy this inequality. Select any value for x (let's say x = 0) and plug it into the inequality. Solving for y, we find y ≥ 3. So, we have our first point: (0, 3).

3. Now, let's choose another value, this time for y (let's say y = 0). Plugging y = 0 into the inequality, we find x ≥ 6. So, our second point is (6, 0).

4. Plot these two points on a graph, and draw a line that connects them. Since the inequality is "greater than or equal to" (≥), we need to make the line solid to include the points on the line.

5. Next, let's work on the second inequality, 2x + y ≥ 6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for this inequality to find two more points. Plot them on the same graph, and draw another solid line connecting them.

6. Finally, shade the region that satisfies both inequalities. The intersection of the shaded region will represent the feasible solution space.

7. Now that we found the feasible solution space, let's find the corner point that maximizes the objective function F = 5x + 2y. Compute the value of F at each corner point by plugging in the x and y coordinates.

8. The highest value of F that we find among the corner points will be the maximum value of the objective function! Hooray!

I hope that made you smile, and remember, don't let those inequalities scare you away. Take it one step at a time, and the answer will reveal itself. Good luck, my mathematically adventurous friend!

To solve this linear programming problem, we will use the graphical method. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Graph the constraints.
To graph the first constraint, x + 2y ≥ 6, we need to find two points on the line x + 2y = 6. To do this, we can set x = 0 and solve for y, and then set y = 0 and solve for x.

When x = 0, we have 0 + 2y = 6, which gives us y = 3. So we have the point (0, 3) on the line.

When y = 0, we have x + 2(0) = 6, which gives us x = 6. So we have the point (6, 0) on the line.

Plot these two points on a coordinate plane and draw a line passing through them. This line represents the first constraint.

Now let's graph the second constraint, 2x + y ≥ 6. Following the same steps as before, we can find two points on the line 2x + y = 6.

When x = 0, we have 2(0) + y = 6, which gives us y = 6. So we have the point (0, 6) on the line.

When y = 0, we have 2x + 0 = 6, which gives us x = 3. So we have the point (3, 0) on the line.

Plot these two points and draw a line passing through them. This line represents the second constraint.

Finally, since we are told that both x and y are greater than or equal to 0, we can shade the region to the right and above the two lines we just drew.

Step 2: Identify the feasible region.
The feasible region is the shaded region that satisfies all the constraints.

Step 3: Identify the vertices of the feasible region.
The vertices are the points where the boundary lines intersect. In this case, since the boundary lines are both straight and non-parallel, they intersect at a single point. Therefore, the feasible region has only one vertex.

Step 4: Find the value of the objective function at each vertex.
To find the maximum value of the objective function F = 5x + 2y, we need to evaluate it at the vertex point(s) of the feasible region.

In this case, there is only one vertex point, so we simply substitute the x and y values of the vertex into the objective function.

Step 5: Determine the maximum value of the objective function.
Evaluate the objective function at the vertex point(s) that we found in the previous step. The maximum value of the objective function is the largest value obtained.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To find the maximum value of the objective function F = 5x + 2y, and the values of x and y for which it occurs, we can solve this as a linear programming problem. The given inequalities x + 2y ≥ 6, 2x + y ≥ 6, and the non-negativity constraints x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 form the constraints for the problem.

First, let's graph the constraints to visualize the feasible region:

1. Graph the line x + 2y = 6: To graph this line, we can find two points on this line. When x = 0, 2y = 6, y = 3; when y = 0, x = 6. Plot these two points and draw a straight line through them.

2. Graph the line 2x + y = 6: Similarly, find two points on this line. When x = 0, y = 6; when y = 0, 2x = 6, x = 3. Plot these points and draw a straight line through them.

3. Shade the region that satisfies both inequalities: Since the inequalities are greater than or equal to, shade the region above both lines.

Now, we have the feasible region bounded by the two lines.

Next, we need to find the corners or vertices of this feasible region since the maximum value can only occur at one of these points.

To find the vertices, we need to find the intersection points of the lines. Solve the system of equations consisting of the two lines:

x + 2y = 6
2x + y = 6

Solving this system gives x = 2 and y = 2. This is one vertex.

To find the other vertex, we need to consider the intersection points of the lines with the x-axis and y-axis.

When x = 0, we have 2y = 6, y = 3. When y = 0, we have x = 6.

So the other vertex is (0,3).

Now, evaluate the objective function F = 5x + 2y at these vertices:

For (2, 2): F = 5(2) + 2(2) = 10 + 4 = 14.
For (0, 3): F = 5(0) + 2(3) = 0 + 6 = 6.

Since 14 is greater than 6, the maximum value of the objective function is 14. It occurs at the point (2, 2). Therefore, the maximum value of F is 14, and the values of x and y for which it occurs are x = 2 and y = 2.