an ellipse has an area of 4.17 in^2, and a minor axis that is 2 inch long. solve fot the major axis.

how do i solve this?

for any ellipse of the form

x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1
the area of the ellipse is (ab)pi

so if the minor axis is 2 inches, then b=1
abpi = 4.17
api = 4.17
a = 4.17/pi = 1.32735
so the major axis or 2a is 2.6547 units long.

check with this:

To solve for the major axis of an ellipse given the area and the length of the minor axis, you can use the formula for the area of an ellipse:

Area = π * (major axis/2) * (minor axis/2)

In this case, you are given the area (4.17 in^2) and the length of the minor axis (2 inches).

Let's substitute the given values into the formula and solve for the major axis:

4.17 in^2 = π * (major axis/2) * (2 in/2)

To simplify, we can cancel out the common factors:

4.17 = π * (major axis/2)

Now, to solve for the major axis, we need to isolate it by dividing both sides of the equation by π/2:

4.17 / (π/2) = major axis

To get the value of the major axis, divide 4.17 by π/2:

major axis ≈ 1.325 inches

Therefore, the major axis of the ellipse is approximately 1.325 inches.