Maria and Zoe are taking Biology 105 but are in different classes. Maria's class has an average of 78% with a standard deviation of 5% on the midterm, whereas Zoe's class has an average of 83% with a standard deviation of 12%. Assume that scores in both classes follow a normal distribution.

A. Convert Maria's midterm score of 84 to a standard z score.
which is correct?

a. 0.083
b. 0.5
c. 0.2
d. 1.2
e. 6

B Convert Zoe's midterm score of 89 to a standard z score.

a. 1.2
b. 0.5
c. 6
d. 0.917
e. 2.2

C. Who did better relative to her class?
a. Maria
b. Zoe
c. They performed the same.
d. Neither
e. Cannot determine

This question was answered after it was reposted later

Maria's Z-score was 1.2

Zoe's Z-score was .5

Since a Z-score of .5 is closer to 0 (the mean) it means she scored higher than Zoe.

2 reasons behind it... the class avg was higher in Zoe's class, plus the standard deviation was more than double (it was 12 vs Maria's 5)

To convert a score to a standard z score, you need to subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation. Let's calculate the z scores for Maria and Zoe.

A. To convert Maria's score of 84 to a standard z score, use the formula:
z = (x - μ) / σ

x = 84 (Maria's score)
μ = 78 (average score of Maria's class)
σ = 5 (standard deviation of Maria's class)

Substituting the values:
z = (84 - 78) / 5
z = 6 / 5 = 1.2

Therefore, the standard z score for Maria's score of 84 is 1.2.

B. To convert Zoe's score of 89 to a standard z score, use the same formula as before:
z = (x - μ) / σ

x = 89 (Zoe's score)
μ = 83 (average score of Zoe's class)
σ = 12 (standard deviation of Zoe's class)

Substituting the values:
z = (89 - 83) / 12
z = 6 / 12 = 0.5

Therefore, the standard z score for Zoe's score of 89 is 0.5.

C. To determine who did better relative to her class, we compare the z scores. A larger z score indicates a better relative score compared to the class.

Comparing the calculated z scores:
Maria's z score = 1.2
Zoe's z score = 0.5

Since Maria's z score is higher than Zoe's, Maria did better relative to her class.

The correct answers are:
A. The z score for Maria's score of 84 is 1.2 (d)
B. The z score for Zoe's score of 89 is 0.5 (b)
C. Maria did better relative to her class (a)