after reading the authors biographies, choose two authors and describe how you think their lives shaped stories they wrote.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

have you read any of the following?

young goodman brown
a clean well lighted place
the house on mango street
the lottery
two kinds
a rose for emily
the yellow wallpaper
the cask of amontillado

i have to describe how two of the authors shaped their storis they wrote with thei own life. I have only read young goodman brown. I have to have this in about an hour from now. Do you think that you can help.

If you've only read one of these, you're out of luck since you need it in an hour. We can't help you if you haven't done the preliminary work.

To choose two authors and describe how their lives shaped the stories they wrote, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find biographies of authors: Look for biographical information about different authors you are interested in. You can search for books, articles, or websites that provide detailed biographies of the authors. Library catalogs, bookstores, and reputable websites are good sources for this information.

Step 2: Analyze the authors' lives: Once you have found biographies of the authors, read and analyze the information available. Look for key aspects of their lives, such as their personal experiences, cultural background, social environment, education, and any significant events or influences that might have shaped them.

Step 3: Identify patterns or connections: Identify patterns or connections between the authors' lives and the stories they wrote. Try to match specific elements in their biography with themes, characters, or settings in their works. Look for instances where personal experiences might have influenced certain storylines or character development.

Step 4: Choose two authors: Based on your research and analysis, select two authors whose lives you find interesting and believe have significantly influenced their stories. Make sure you have gathered enough information about them to support your analysis.

Step 5: Describe the impact on their stories: Finally, explain how you think these authors' lives shaped the stories they wrote. Use evidence from their biographies to support your claims. Provide examples of specific elements in their works that seem to reflect their personal experiences.

Remember, the above steps are a general guideline to help you complete the task. The specific authors you choose and the stories they wrote will determine the direction and content of your analysis.